Hello everyone!
This is Cara writing today. So-- I know that we have been terrible about updating our blog. No pics, no writing, no political statement artwork from Brent. I am really sorry about that! Today I have no pics to share, but thought I would try to write a little about the goings-on in our lives.
After an amazing month of yoga teacher training (www.forrestyoga.com) in Seattle, I have begun to settle back into life in Aspen.
My time is divided between generating business, counseling patients, and teaching yoga classes (www.aspenintegratedcounseling.com). Oh ya, and also there is Finn. One of the two main men in my life. Finn requires much of my attention, and we have grown accustomed to hiking almost every day together. It seems that Finn suffers from some minor doggy anxiety (for which we give him homeopathic anxiety drops-seriously) and a relentless amount of energy (for which two walks a day seem to manage). I am waiting patiently for snow, along with every other Aspenite. It seems we may not even open for skiing on time this year (we'll see what the next three days bring in). As much as I have enjoyed the temperate weather of late, I am ready for a white Christmas and weekend snowboarding.
Brent has been busy with work, and it seems that he has really found his place as a teacher in Aspen High. He is helping to grow and improve their experiential education program, and is even writing grants for his outdoor educational trip. He has begun to research graduate schools, and is interested in pursuing a Masters in Environmental Management with an emphasis in Fresh Water Chemistry. Hopefully more on that soon to come.
I wanted also to give you all the blog addresses of friends of ours, who are updating regularly and are traveling the world!
http://www.sheilainseattle.blogspot.com/ SHEILA ON THE WESTCOAST
http://mindyexplorations.blogspot.com/ MINDY IN CAMBODIA
http://meandj.blogspot.com/ MEGAN AND JERAD IN ECUADOR
http://www.thelittlestbirdsing.blogspot.com/ KELLI IN SEATTLE
More soon to come, as we will be in Virginia Beach next week for the arrival of our new niece!