Monday, June 29, 2009

Bamboo Fortunes

“Good lucks gradually approaching. Just like building a bridge-difficult at first- but happy later.”
A paper cylinder is filled with 20 some bamboo sticks. You are to shake the cylinder until one bamboo stick falls out. The stick that falls out is your chosen fortune. After a few shakes my fortune fell into my lap and the above quote is what it said.

I found this quote to be very appropriate for my time spent in Cambodia. It pertains well to the work we are doing here.

We are now more than half way into our teaching here. The workshops are going quite well- filled with highs and lows- success and failure. I will tell you now a little about my (Brent) experience.

I am teaching Science Methods. Our class is a shot gun blast of experience and background. We have students who teach physics, biology, chemistry, and Kmer literature. Hmm…I thought when I heard Literature? I guess the level of science is on par with that of an American 8th grader to maybe 12th grader. Some have never heard of Albert Einstein.
My co-teacher is Andre Wille. He is a veteran science teacher; I teach with him in Aspen. We make a good team, filling in the gaps when our minds go blank trying to explain an Independent variable or the Scientific Method. The teaching is slow and calculated. I find that teaching through a translator makes you think more and present ideas with more clarity than normal.

There is a term called Satori. It describes when the mind and body are at full awareness, attention, and presence. The teaching here brings on the Satori mind. The teaching feels refreshing and filling. You have to be so engaged with your students that nothing else outside that class matters. And not just matters, but in a sense, doesn’t even exist. At times teaching here my mind goes through this experience. Our students speak no English and we must teach through a translator whose English is good but not native. Just using words to convey information is not enough. I find myself drawing many pictures: birds, trees, diagrams, molecules, etc…I will use props and movements to teach a lesson. I often make fun of myself to make the class laugh and drop their timid walls. Laughter and competition seem to quite engaging for the Cambodian teachers. Our first competition consisted of making paper bridges. First we gave them one paper and instructed them to construct a bridge spanning a 7” gap. The twist is that their bridge design must be able to hold weight. The weight we used were quarter size washers and metal nuts. The team that won made a great bridge, skinny with triangle folds, able to hold 28 washers!

We then said the river was flooding and new bridge needed to be made. This time they could use 10 sheets of paper and 7” of masking tape. The challenge now to span a 1.5ft gap and hold as much weight as possible. The winning team made an amazing bridge holding all the washers and nuts, plus 2 tennis ball size rocks! The winning team was very excited to beat all the other competitors. It is challenge activities like this which we tailored out workshop around. Inquiry science is the technical name. We as teachers present a question and the students must then answer the question. This type of teaching is very strange to the colonial traditional form of school. There is no memorizing or regurgitation of facts. They must work together, pool their critical thinking skills, and solve a problem. Not only is it challenging for them, but it is fun! They laugh so much while learning, who knew this could be possible.

Then the bamboo stick fortune comes back into the picture. “Building a bridge is hard at first.” After one lesson we asked if they could use this technique in class? The class went quiet and still. Sadly they said no, not possible in their classes of 50, 60, or even 70 kids. I have no idea what to say to this. I have no experience teaching 60 students…? Later that day I spoke to them about our workshop. I know all the things we do in the workshop cannot be replicated. Yet they can be improved upon, changed, and tweaked to meet their needs. We as presenters can only do so much, it is up to them to be creative. The fortune again rings in my mind, “hard at first, but then happy.” Change is slow. Look at any institution, especially governmental, and it takes forever to change. Compound that in a third world country with no resources, dollar a day living, and it seems almost impossible. I am proud to be a teacher serving and sharing my knowledge with the Cambodian people. The work is hard at times, discouraging, yet there is always the smiles and potential for transformation. The hope drives the teaching, the feeling that the hard work now will pay off in the future

Sunday, June 14, 2009

US Highway 6

I awoke on my own this morning.  There was no little dog jumping and whimpering, asking us to join him in the new day.  Finn went to dog jail yesterday and we wont see him until late July.  The power was also off, the alarm clock lifeless without its red block numerals.  We didn’t need an alarm though; the excitement and anticipation of the travels ahead alerted the mind into waking.


We packed the car the night before.  It took us one hour to pack for our travels and then another hour to clean the house before we left.  The best thing after a long travel is to come home to a clean house.  Cara and I each packed our essentials, each packing list composed of certain commonalities, yet each list also amassed of necessary personal artifacts:


Brent Essentials:

Science magazines for the road

Long Board (Skateboard)

Multiple black and blue pens

Two pair sunglasses

Fishing hooks and weights

Climbing rope, rack, and shoes

Two pocketknives


Cara Essentials:

Bloated cosmetics bag

Two yoga mats

Flip Flops

Reading Glasses

Water bottle

Veggie-Bootie Chips (?)

School Work

Sun Screen


The Jetta was packed with all our needed items for 6 weeks on the road.  Should a climbing opportunity present itself we could climb.  Should the sky open and we receive hot radiance from the sun, we have SPF 30.  Not to mention flip flops, fishing gear, and sun dresses for South East Asia (Cara will be in the dresses..ha).  


As we drive through the kaki gray desert of Highway 6 Utah, I can only reflect on the soon to be opposite landscape of tropical Cambodia.  In the canyons of Utah the sage and rabbit brush thirst for their 10” of rain a year.  In Cambodia the plants have so much water drizzling onto them they have evolved various leaf shapes to better drain it away. 


With each minute of Cara driving we get a little closer to Cambodia.  For now there is open plains and rocky canyons.  Space for the mind to whirl, dream, fear, and anticipate the great journey ahead.  Quickly the land will grow green with prairie grass, enclosed with conifer trees, open with the ocean, and then tropical with new continents.