Thursday, February 28, 2008

Let the Games Begin

Let the dirt-lip grow and prosper. Please send actions shots thorough out the month to keep the community updated on your follicle freedom campaign. Good luck and Godspeed....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Random Shots

Easy Star All Stars: Friday Night Dub

Inspiration comes in many forms. It may be the sunrise in snow covered mountains, the verse of a poem, the depth of the spirit, or the actions of another. Last night it was the latter, the voice, power, happiness, and melody of a few gifted indivduals. Particulary it was a woman and a trombone player.

Our Valentines gift to each other was live music at the BellyUp. The band was the Easy Star All Stars. They play a style of reggae called Dub. Dub is often a slower vibe sent like water meandering through a meadow. The sounds are often long swirling beats mixed with a few up tempo riffles for the dancing feat and swaggering hips.

Back to the woman....she was unique and raw. Not your typical reggae, long robbed, head turbine, african queen. Her look was very punk almost rocker. She had piercing in her lip and tongue with big stretched ears dangling heavy hoops. Her hair a braided mohawk of sorts with the back shaved. This intense look matched with a voice which could summon a room to stand in amazement and give shivers over the body. The depth and soul was fantastic and inspiring. To have such power erupt from this woman was a gift for all of us. And after she would stream through this range of vocalizations, this tough woman, would smile, just barley, and you could feel her happiness leak out into the room.

The trombone player had quite the opposite look. The classic jazz musician style with matching gray suit, black shoes, and cabbie hat. His head bald and shinny from sweat. The jams he preformed would shake the room with this thundering bravado and smiles would light up and appreciate the talent he possesed.

The video below will give some idea of what the show was like, but if you ever get a chance, see it live! Enjoy....

This is them covering a Pink Floyd Song. At about 40secs on the video it gets awesome...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Money is Debt

Do you know where your "money" comes from? WHo prints our money, the government or a private bank? Many interesting questions are answered in these 5 segments of video. Enjoy!


Friday, February 8, 2008

Mustache March is coming

Dear Friends,

February is half way finished and March is soon
approaching. You all know what that means...its
mustache season.

Warning: Growing a mustache can cause serious social
implications such as and not limited to: having your
wife/girlfriend stop loving you, looking like a
criminal, pedophile, and/or republican, bacteria
growth on upper lip from crumbs stuck in hair, people
might think you're gay, and/or thinking you are some
NYC hippster.

Should you accept the challenge read on...

Mustache March will start on the first of March
and end April first. It is your job, should you
choose to accept it, to grow a mustache and wear it
proudly for all of March. No other facial hair is
allowed, only what grows on the upper lip. At the end
of the month pictures should be taken and sent to me.
They will then be posted on the blog for everyones
viewing. There will be a comment section dedicated to
scoring and as a group the participants will vote on
the best stache.

I look forward to seeing everyone's hard work. If the
social strain is just too much, Cara has offered her
services as a crisis counselor. Please do not call
after 9pm. Good luck and may the best stache win!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Lift Chants Om

Om is the sound of the world. Listen close enough and you will hear it in the river. Turn your ear to the wind and hear the Om blow through the trees. They say the Om is the sound of the world....Cara heard the Om on Monday while skiing at Highlands, the voice of the ski lift is OOOOMMMMM. The beginning of the week started with 2ft of new snow drowning our surroundings. Due to safety concerns there was a snow day, no school, what to do? Sometimes being a teacher is really hard, especially on a powder day in Aspen. Here are a few pics of that epic day. We just so happened to have some friends visiting. That surly looking fellow with the stache is Joe, he's a fireman so the mustache is required. The other two are Phil and Robin from Junkshow.