Yet another reason I love teaching here at Aspen... Aspen High has a program they call Ex-Ed, the Ex stands for experential, Ed obviously education. The teachers at the school have to come up with some sort of week long experential education course. Mine was a raft guide training course on the San Juan River. There are many other courses such as going to Mexico for service work, Ski mountaineering/canyoneering in Utah, Chicago art museums, rafting Cataract Canyon, etc...over 27 course in all.
Andre Wille and myself led a week long river training trip. We navigated the San Juan and Colorado rivers. Megan my sister and her boyfriend Jared (who are also guides) tagged along for support. We had 13 guides in training ranging from 9th to 12th grade. They were beginers overall, with a few intermediate kayakers thrown in the mix. The river matched their ability perfectly.
The San Juan is a class II river through the canyon country South Eastern Utah. It cuts through some very interesting geologic formations as well as having a rich archeology history from the Anazi 600A.D, to gas miners, to present day river rats like us.
Here are a few of the pictures from the trip...enjoy

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